Manic March #27: Things to Appreciate

March 27, 2022

Manic March - Things to Appreciate

  • The warmth of the sun, especially in Austin where we have a brief window between annoyingly cold and painfully hot; right now, it’s 70 degrees and absolutely pleasant outside.
  • Cold floors. It’s nice to come in from a warm day and lie on a cold linoleum floor, letting the heat from your body flow into the floor.
  • Love in all its forms; feeling unconditional acceptance and comfort.
  • Skateboards and bicycles. The feeling of going fast with no separation between you and your surroundings is unmatched, with wind whipping around you and sun beating down.
  • Live music, with the feeling of the bass in your chest and your ears ringing with the noise of the band and cheers of the crowd.
  • Seeing your friends grow as people, beginning to come into their own with full enjoyment of their lives.
  • Black coffee in the morning, the steam still drifting off of it, feeling fully energized for the day.
  • Fresh bread, warm and moist.
  • Books (they give you the ability to vividly hallucinate without falling asleep)
  • The Internet; being able to know so much information is unthinkable to those in the past.
  • Trees; they provide us shade, wood, and a place to lie under. So many things had to go right for us to have trees as they are.
  • The ability to learn; we didn’t have to be able to learn in order to exist, but we still can.
  • Life, for none of this had to be this way, but it is so fortunate that it is.

What is Manic March?

On February 27, 2022, I thought it would be a great idea to create some sort of content - writing, art, coding, etc. - every day of the next month. Luckily, the alliteration worked out. This should be the twenty-seventh post in the series.